Our Mission and Vision
Our Mission
Our intention is to provide an education in a Catholic environment, which will best enhance the wairua,
the whole being, of each individual.
Our Vision
Our vision is to develop learners who can work in unity in a Catholic environment based on the principles of the Catholic Church, which will best
enhance the wairua, the whole being, of each individual.
Our Student Motto
At St Joseph’s we are:
TAHI is the Maori kupu for number one! We value and believe in a school community that encompasses, Love towards God, self and others, Faith in their life journey with God and their learning, Community to work together, Courage to believe and achieve.
Taking Responsibility
Achieving Excellence
Having Respect
In it together, each day we will love the Lord our God with all our heart and mind (1st Commandment)
Our students will have:
Love for God
A social conscience
A high level of literacy achievement
A high level of mathematics achievement
Thinking and problem solving skills
Physical well-being
A connection with our Parish Family

In order to reflect our vision and values our school aims to:
Foster spiritual growth within a family and community focused Catholic environment
Acknowledge and value individual differences, the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and so provide an
inclusive learning environment.Provide interesting high quality learning programs that focus on literacy and numeracy as core learning areas in relation to Curriculum
Standards expected levels of achievement.Encourage and develop students to become life long learners through effective curriculum delivery including the key competencies and assessment
practices so they are able to be responsible for their own learning when they face the challenges of the future.Empower students to make informed decisions based on knowledge they acquire through stimulating learning programs.
Ensure the students’ parents, families and whanau are clear about progress and achievement in relation to the Curriculum Standards and feel comfortable
and empowered to ask questions about how to support next learning steps.